Who are Koala Claims?

Koala Claims was founded in October 2021 by our Chief Executive Officer, Ross Parkin. Our mission is to help Australians reclaim mis-sold Junk Insurance premiums whilst providing a professional, seamless, and stress-free service.

What is different about Koala Claims?

We aim to provide a personalised service and do not see our customers as a number, which is why we won’t ask you to simply fill forms out online. We like to get to know our customers by speaking to them and providing genuine support throughout the process.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer - Ross Parkin

I worked for a large bank on a high-profile remediation project in the UK for over six years, dealing with Junk Insurance claims. I saw firsthand the impact that the mis-selling scandal had on customer’s lives.

Upon arriving in Australia, I was surprised to learn that the same issues with insurance mis-selling were also present, however, there was not the same level of awareness of these issues as there was in the UK.

After the 2019 Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, I was hopeful that things would be put right, however, I don’t feel they have been. So, Koala Claims was born.

Australians are due billions in refunds and we are on a mission to help them get it back”.

Our Values


We love what we do and we do it well. From our customer support to claims processes, everything we do is done properly.


We have a small team with global experience. Our one-on-one approach means you are more than a number and always deal with the same person.


We do what we do to the best of our ability every day. We bring both heart and expertise to every claim. It’s how we’ve always done it and how we always will.